Meet Marcia

Your Tour Guide
to the Greater Realities
Here’s what you can expect
when we work together
A Medicine Cabinet Full of Surprises
Get ready to toss your expectations aside
I know, I know…while to some I sound like a nutcase with a resume from Bellevue,
I’m actually practical, grounded and have a good deal of common sense.
Or so I’ve been told.
The combination of business experience, higher education and psychic acumen are a rare finding, but then add communicating with animals and a lifetime of extraterrestrial contact, well, that tends to knock the socks off of most people. An MBA and a host of other credentials keeps folks from running too fast; curiosity usually wins out and they want to find out more.

For the mainstream I am a tad bit of a surprise, kind of like running into an extreme reality snowboarder when you are expecting grandma’s tea leaves at best.
Here’s the kick: I don’t bring you a politically correct version of the paranormal, but rather a penetrating expose of the human condition along with a renewed vision of man’s position in the universe and what it all means to our future, especially when we launch back out into space.
When we chat, you’ll also get exposed to hidden principles influencing what happens to you, thus rebranding your ideas about everyday existence. After all, the e-coli on your hamburger don’t care whether you know they are there, but will get you just the same. The same thing goes for the invisible realms, they impact what befalls you even without your complicit involvement.
The benefit?
You’ll analyze situations with new understanding, which will bring you fresh answers that work for our special times. All while I make sure you keep one foot firmly grounded on the floor when dealing with controversial topics so you can become an effective messenger for change.

Making New Sense of Mysticism
Get ready, because I rattle your cage by retrofitting ancient information for today’s fast changing society. You’ll find out that ancient mystical teachings were really about technology, biology and the submolecular world, all things we can understand in our current time frame.
I’ll steer you towards root causes so you can get to the heart of an issue. The goal is to get you to a point where you no longer come to someone like me, but instead rely on your own intuitive guidance.
So, how do I do it?
Way back in the 17th century, Jonathon Swift said that vision was the art of seeing things invisible. He wasn’t kidding. I’ll just look at a photograph and see information beyond the ordinary scope of vision, thus don’t need to meet you in person.
While others see only what’s printed in front of them, I detect far more and use the image as a pole vault to retrieve information. It’s like having you on speed dial on my cell phone as opposed to searching for you in an old-fashioned phone book where the coverage is the vast cosmos. Your photos play a key role for a fresh starting point since they reveal hidden layers about you.
Pardon me, have we met before?
For those who choose the full adventure, the emphasis begins with soul lessons, and I cover your reincarnation journeys. While I want you firmly entrenched in the present time, these other lifetimes can leave a footprint on today’s experiences. Understanding them can be a precursor to letting go and making headway for new opportunities.
The information can offer a way to reevaluate your current life moves and help you reposition today. Because our other lifetimes can’t be proven, use what I offer only as a possible scenario to see if it explains situations happening now. However, also bear in mind that just because you don’t recall reincarnation experiences doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I can’t remember what I ate for breakfast May 5, 2004, but it’s improbable that I starved that day.
People often find striking coincidences, like the modern day cartoonist who learned of a lifetime in Portugal hundreds of years ago as a maritime cartographer for the naval fleets of his era. Stunned, he revealed as a young boy he drew maps in his room at night.
The “X-connection”
A lifetime of extraterrestrial contact contributes to a different viewpoint of the human race and a deeper understanding of reality, which I blend into the work I do here. I’ve learned a lot from these experiences over the years.
Bringing this controversial topic of off-planet life out of the closet could have been a career killer years back, but treating it matter-of-factly without embellishment or bias has enabled me to reach audiences around the world, including business leaders and innovative thinkers unrestricted by the harness of mass influence, alongside just plain curious folks. People are hungry for information.
Times and public opinion have vastly changed as we get closer to an eventual unveiling about this hidden part of our history; folks are much more comfortable with it now than in prior years. For those with this special interest I’ll bring you the inside skinny on ET 101, which is far more than you’ll get with a mouse click to Wikipedia. While I know first-hand about extraterrestrial reality, this isn’t the norm for most folks, so I present information about this touchy topic sensitively so you can make up your own mind without influence.
BZ’S furry side
The extraterrestrial experience is how I got into animal communication. It facilitated my ability to know what’s going on since I understand how non-humans exchange information without conventional speech. As a long time advocate with staunch roots in the rescue community, my preference has been, and always will be, helping challenged homeless animals become adoptable. Veterinarians, animal welfare groups and ordinary folks have all come here for help. When you ask for this training you’ll learn about about animal consciousness: how they think, feel and communicate, so you can do it yourself and break into the not-so-silent world of the animal kingdom, then act on their voiceless behalf.

The 21st Century Window
A brand new era is launching before your very eyes
Things are much more than they seem
Social conflict and violence are making people unfathomably weary during nonstop mayhem these days, but underneath the roots of our general unrest lies a different picture. This is evolution at its best. Stagnant paradigms that have been holding back humanity are breaking up. This presents boundless opportunities to find newer, better ways that support an improved life for all.
Most people don’t fully realize what is taking place, but you can.
Bear in mind, however, how we actually end up depends on the actions you take today. You cannot put this off if you want a better world for mankind. Your fate depends on collaborative paradigms fueled by the better side of us (kindness and tolerance). This establishes new patterns that embed into social norms and influence our species’ trajectory. The teachings you get here highlight what’s driving our change so you can make smart decisions that help steer rather than blindly accept what is being handed off to us. Spirconomics pulls it all together for you.
It’s not about me, or you. It’s now about all of us.
We are a mosaic of consciousness sharing a common thread for the future. Get ready to meet your new friends. There’s a lot of them out there, ready to carry out what you were all born to do. Join us in the salon dialogues, we’re coming together from all over the planet to build a better world.
Look within. If it feels right to start on this journey with me, you’ll know. After all, you were born with everything you will ever need right inside of you. Including the smarts to decide whether this path is the one for you.
If you are ready, I very much look forward to working with you.
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