
How to prepare for the next step on our journey



How to snatch back the future

How a hidden demographic will reshape the emerging world

Get Ready for the Ultimate Reality Show

The Reshaping of Tomorrow

If you want to influence the coming global stage, you’ll want to know:

  • How evolution is impacted by three layers of incarnating soul groups
  • The four powerful agendas that are quietly pushing us toward a certain future
  • Why tackling seven specific areas will accelerate a much needed social turnaround
  • What to expect for approaching major changes to the way man lives in communities
  • How the world is unknowingly swayed by a new hidden force coming from deep space, and what it means to your future

It’s been a long wait since Schafer’s first award-winning book was keenly read in more than twenty-five countries. Back then she brought new information to questioning seekers by revealing her contact experiences with extraterrestrial life. Now, she goes a step further to expose a hidden agenda behind it all: unique circumstances are presenting a brief window of time to build a peaceful worldwide society on Earth. But, first, we have to create change, and lots of it.

By using smart strategies and gentle elements of mysticism to respin the human wheel of fortune, mankind can build the ultimate civilization—but, first, the budding messengers of tomorrow have to crack the code they carry within. Spirconomics fuses a free-agent spirituality to the practical realities of economics, to inspire and prod a special group to better understand who they are and what they can accomplish.

If you’re seeking a better world and don’t know where to start,
you’ll want to read what Schafer reveals in these pages.

Available only on Amazon

A Fast Read for Busy People

A handbook to fuel your direction for tomorrow, it’s the launching point to begin the Spirconomics program and jump start your training sessions.

Spirconomics calls out to a very distinctive audience continuing on a course that began long ago to aid the human race. If you ever wondered why you see things differently from the rest of the world, this publication explains why.

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