The Founder

Aliens, ghosts, pets and how to use business to reset the the future? This trendsetting futurist ties them all together in an unexpected way.
“For the mainstream I am a tad bit of a surprise, kind of like running into an extreme reality snowboarder when you are expecting grandma’s tea leaves at best. Here’s the kick: I don’t bring you a politically correct version of the paranormal, but rather a penetrating expose of the human condition along with a renewed vision of man’s position in the universe and what it all means to our future, especially when we launch back out into space.”
The Company
Beyond Zebra®

A consulting firm for visionaries who dip their toes in the mystic waters.
I get asked so frequently about how Beyond Zebra® got its name that I’m posting it here.
The Future

A philosophy unifying humanitarian pioneers vested in a better world.
A world that turns on spiritually driven economics? A reincarnation code that explains people’s behavior and attitudes? The birth of a new demographic that will tip the scales of fortune?
Yup, that’s Spirconomics. It offers up a peek into why things are taking place now and how humanity can write the script for a better future. And, its foundation comes from exposure to life from beyond Earth’s borders.