Marcia Schafer teaches petcommunication

 Animal Realities

Connect on a whole new level when you learn how animals think and communicate

What’s On Their Mind? 

It’s not always what you think

What’s important to your furry, beaked and clawed colleagues is not always what you think because they see the world differently. And that impacts what you should say and do when issues crop up.

Want to break the barriers between our world and theirs ? Start by looking at things from a whole new vision: floor level.

Learn Trade Secrets


Gain Skills to be Their Ally and Their Voice

Understand their point of view. Resolve pet problems. Become an emissary. Break barriers.
Safeguard them in our world. They need your advocacy now more than ever.

Change Their Behavior

You need to know the root cause of a problem and how to negotiate behavior changes if you want to see lasting resolution. Find out how their mind works within three layers of consciousness that influence their attitude and reactions.

Communicate At Their Level

Pets communicate with you in three distinct ways. Find out what they are, then strengthen your ability to receive and send messages. Watch your pet's happiness soar when you reach out with these techniques.

How to Add New Pets to the Family

These are the steps to take before you introduce new pets to your family and animals in your home. You’ll build healthy, loving child relationships and reduce stress with introductions to your current pets.

Overcome Special Challenges

It takes love, understanding and a little extra help with special knowledge.

Get Lost Pets Home

Is anything more heartbreaking than losing a pet? Learn techniques to find a missing animal. Easy to use they can help reunite searchers with their animals.

Special Needs Pets

Animals that have experienced neglect, abuse or abandonment have special emotional wounds to heal. Learn special steps to make their transition into their new life easier.

The Crazy Factor

A sudden change in mood or behavior. What went wrong? You're not going to believe what is often at the heart of the issue, but the explanation can change your life at home.

 Pet Reviews

Bring A Homeless Pet Into Your Life

Make a Difference, One Life at a Time

Why Rescue Matters

Meet Sakkara: The Story of a Survivor

This tiny kitty was lost in a field during the deadly desert summer when temperatures soared mercilessly. Defenseless, declawed and with a Persian’s breed-specific flat face that limits foraging, the odds were stacked against her, with little chance of survival.

When found, she was rushed in by good samaritans for medical help. The vet determined she was hours from death and had been out there a very long time. Wasted away down to barely two pounds, she most likely ate rocks to survive due to the condition of her teeth, most of which were cracked, broken or altogether gone. Her long fur was tightly matted into horrifying painful knots, restricting her ability to move.

She was turned into a cat rescue and eventually found her forever home here where she got oodles of love, lots of yummy nutritious food and countless toys, alongside much needed surgery to alleviate a painful condition. A loving, smart, beautiful girl, she ran the office until her last breath, all while bossing around her sister (also a rescue). When you have the training, ask about how she ended up with her name.

Spay, neuter and adopt from rescue! 

Bring a Homeless Pet Into Your Life

Experience the joy of finding your new best friend at your local rescues! There’s so many waiting for you to make a difference, won’t you make room in your life for just one more?

If you are located in Arizona, it’s home to PACC911, a nonprofit coalition of over 140 local rescues and animal welfare organizations. You can view hundreds of homeless cats and dogs just waiting for you to love them.

Look for PACC911’s pet rescue directory, where one click takes you to each partnered rescue group to see their available pets in need of homes.