Professional Reviews

Thanks to your encouragement, insight, and feedback, my concept for a television series is slowly becoming a reality. Our pilot episode has been purchased by a major cable network with options for a series. And the interesting part is that you told me this would happen…two years ago!”
-P. Uskert, Filmmaker (note: this popular TV series ran three years)
One session with Marcia literally changed the course of my life. Thanks to her insightful ideas and advice, I was inspired to start my own public legal education business. I am so grateful that she is helping so many people improve their lives and the lives of others with her spiritual insight and business savvy. I would highly recommend a consultation to anyone seeking positive change.
-J. Crosby, Esq., Founder and President of Crosby Legal Seminars, New Jersey
I was very pleasantly surprised at the outcome of her consulting session. She was able to intuitively direct my actions on a project that I had been working to get but I had become essentially “stalled”. Her specific directions re-opened the negotiations which led to a contract with a large firm. Marcia’s insight was critical in getting their attention and landing this contract!
– R. Oldham, President & CEO, R & G Medical Consultants, Inc.
Marcia Schafer of Beyond Zebra tops the list of reasons our book The Sun City Cannabis Club was self-published with such ease. Her guidance, her wisdom, her publishing expertise and her terrific wit were wonderful. Marcia guided us through every process and led us to all the right people to help in the creation of our beautiful book. People are amazed and cannot believe it is self-published. We will be forever grateful.
– J. & D. McNeill, Okey Dokey Press LLC
Marcia’s consultation saved me time, thousands of dollars, and a good deal of business heartache. I heartily recommend her services.
-C. Manetta, M.Ed. Angelspeak Seminars
I have benefited from every session with Marcia; her keen insight and experience give her the ability to zero in on things that others may overlook. After a session, my focus becomes crystal clear. She sees what’s missing from any strategy and assists in fine tuning your business or life’s plan.
– S. Arcangel, professional scriptwriter
Thanks go to Marcia Schafer for taking the PACC911’s flyer and press materials to a new and better level. Marcia’s talents are incredible and we are thankful to have her expertise helping the animals thru our organization. The first event that she involved herself with got us fantastic response with Channel 3 with a booking on the morning show, and KTAR showing up at our event to do a live cut in.
-B. Mears, Founder & President, PACC911 (Phoenix Animal Care Coalition)
Wow! I was amazed at how in one simple paragraph Marcia wrote to describe a special massage treatment I do packed my books this season with new clients. Marcia also weaved her magic through a wonderful flyer to advertise my seminars this spring. Effortlessly and with care and attention is a great way to define working with Marcia.
-M. Melchiorre, Ambujam Healing Arts
I have never had so many unsolicited, positive comments about a brochure in the thirty years that I have been in business. These comments came from new customers, other business owners, and yes, even family members (who are always the hardest to please). We opened our new Luxury B & B three weeks ago and we already have twenty four couples confirmed for anywhere from two to six days. We also have two small weddings planned here. Thank you so much, for allowing your intuition and business savvy to put down in words, color and feeling, exactly what I wanted to say, but didn’t have the talent or awareness to produce it on paper.
– K. & L. Jaeckel, Sedona Cathedral Hideaway
I’m so excited about everything you’ve put together! I absolutely love it all! In fact, I’m so excited that all I want to focus on is getting rid of the books I’ve got so I can move forward with your ideas. I’m in shock over how “in tune” you’ve been throughout this entire process. Even though I know how being intuitive works, and I use it every moment of my life, I still marvel when I see it in action. You’ve done an outstanding job!
-D. Lambrick, author
Sent out some brochures and have gotten 3 phone calls so far……….EVERYONE commented that the brochure was magnificent!
-I. Vateckas, CEO, Peoria Assisted Living, LLC