Pet Reviews

“Brooklyn is doing fabulously. We have had no more outbursts or panic attacks and he is totally fine. I’ve had a couple of fosters and he has done great with them and the change when a new dog comes in has not upset him one bit. Thank you so much for working with him. You saved his life. I am sure he would have been put down without your help. I’ve even taken him for play dates and he has not had any screaming fits! He is even better now with me than he was before. His behavior has evened out and he doesn’t fly off the handle at the simplest things anymore. He’s not peeing and marking in the house either. I just can’t explain it, but he is like a different dog.”
-K. Koktavi, Arizona Pug and Rescue Network (APARN)
“Marcia held one of our cats and told us he was very sick and that he had kidney problems, which turned out to be true. We also had a very frantic cat who was upset about losing her kittens when she didn’t go full term with her pregnancy, Marcia identified and helped resolve the issue. She contacted us out of the blue one day to tell us a cat who was about to be adopted didn’t want to go to the home that we picked out for him; his frantic behavior stopped once we halted the pending adoption. She just blows my mind with how she knows this stuff. Our animals just love her.”
-C. Minauri, AJ’s Best Friends Rescue
“I don’t know if you remember telling me that something was wrong with my black dog, that he was getting ready to transition. I responded that he appeared just fine, but you were sure he was finishing up his life here. Well, you were right. He started losing weight real fast over the last few weeks and has become progressively weaker. His abdomen has been getting larger, and now his gums are pale and he can’t stand up. I remember asking you if I should get blood work or x-rays done when you first told me about him, and you said you had a distinct feeling that nothing would show up. You said I could do it anyway if I wanted, but I decided not to. Just from past experience, it looks to me like stomach or intestinal cancer and you are right; in the early stages, most of the time, nothing shows up on blood work or x-rays.”
-SD Veterinarian
“I FOUND HER!!!!!! A lady saw my flyer and she had found her last night—she was in the desert–so your communicator was right on.”
-M Schroeder (comment sent in by “For the Luv of Dogz,” a nonprofit organization that contacted Marcia to help find a lost dog.)
“After an exhaustive search inside and outside and around the complex to find the lost cat Ruby, the new adopters came back to their condo and sat down. After awhile they heard Ruby sneeze. They waited for 1/2 hour & heard Ruby sneeze again. Waited another 1/2 hour heard Ruby sneeze again. They were trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. Ruby found the ONLY hole to slither into, which is in the corner between two cupboards. You were right, she is in a box, and it is dark where she is at….”
-C. Minauri, AJ’s Best Friends Rescue
“I can absolutely recommend a wonderful animal communicator who is “the real deal” … among so many who are not. Her name is Marcia Schafer. Marcia first came to my attention when she volunteered her talents to raise money for our little Layla, a cocker pup who needed eye surgery. Marcia provided readings for dogs whom I knew well; our volunteers, our adopters and I all thought the information she provided was very helpful. She was able to persuade Maggie, a toy aggressive cocker, to be less so and although she didn’t intend to, she accurately predicted the unexpected death of one of our dogs. Since that time, I’ve referred several friends to Marcia, who met the dogs in their homes. Each friend was impressed and thought Marcia was very helpful.”
-Diana Kraus, Director, Cast Off Cockers Dog Rescue Mission
“Trouble” is doing very well….there has been a fantastic improvement and we are all greatly encouraged….so whatever you are doing….PLEASE CONTINUE….. his owner says many thanks.”
-Arizona Maine Coon Rescue
“Thank you for calming Fifi. She seemed to instantly relax after you talked to her, and she came out a few more times later in the evening.”
-C. Minauri, AJ’s Best Friends
“You kept focusing on Mollie, our very heavy cocker. You told us that she would die suddenly but you couldn’t say when. Maybe a week, a month, a year, etc. I am sad to say that we lost Mollie on Dec. 7 to some sort of liver failure. She got sick so fast, we didn’t even have a chance to find out what really caused her death. I feel that on that day in September you knew how soon it would be and chose to spare us that knowledge and I thank you for that.”
-L. Revak, Cast Off Cockers
“We consulted 3 other animal communicators about our cat waking us up early every morning. None of them were able to help. Marcia’s insights were unique and did the trick. Once we understood what was really going on with our cat we were able to communicate with her in a manner that solved the problem!!! Amazing what a good communicator can do! Thank You Marcia!!!”
-The Baldwins
“Lucy and Desi were particularly “good” with you. Not that they are bad, but they calmed down with you sooner than they do with anyone else! You are amazing! They were so good after you left and didn’t do their “crazy” stuff last night. Lucy and Desi went to bed with no problems at all.
-R. Melsky
Our session gave us both a completely different view of this terrible loss, and we both felt 1000% better afterwards. My husband is quite open-minded, although he tends to want to find his way through any challenge by means of structure, logic – no surprise given his background. He was impressed with and fascinated by your ease and familiarity with the other side, and has taken tremendous comfort from your insights, as I have. Thank you for everything you do – this has meant so much to us, and by that I mean the three of us: Buddy, Rob and me.
–S. Hargraves, mom to beloved dog Buddy