Salon Dialogues

Get Percolating with Dynamic Discussions
It’s simple to initiate. (Get the pun?)
Retrain your thinking. Redirect your focus. Renew your attitude.
Join a small group conversation that weaves around a selected topic in a mashup of a fireside chat and a classs. You’ll enjoy that they’re small because with fewer people everyone has a chance to participate. Dive into information about the paranormal world, extraterrestrial reality, social change and even the secret life of pets. Just assemble your tribe of 5-6 people and we’ll set it up.
Easy Access

How it Works
- Easy Peasy! Groups meet in an online salon video room. Just grab your computer, smartpad or a smartphone to connect from anywhere in the world.
- Enjoy a one-time experience, or continue on your discovery journey with the same group to develop enduring connections as you keep learning information.

Make it Happen
- Simply invite your friends, colleagues or family to join you, then contact us to make arrangements.
- You can change the size of your gathering, just make a request.

Simple to Order
Fill out the order form and check the dialogue option. Use the comment section to tell us details about what topic you want to order and your group details.
There’s gift opportunities!
Give someone a unique and special experience with a hosted salon dialogue. Email for details.
Go Bold. Think Big.
Get a fast pick me up or experience deep training.
Spinner Dialogues
These chats often address current events, bringing new perspectives to the table to stretch your viewpoint and widen your thinking skills.They're ideal when you're trying to figure out, "Where do I go next?"
Booster Dialogues
Awareness and skills training in an online class to get a deep grasp of situations. Boost your understanding of off-the-cuff concepts big time and use them in your work as a change innovator.
Alien Reality
World Change
Go to fees for admission pricing.